Thursday, December 30, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

Hello again everybody!

It's been way too long once again since I've had time to write. As the holidays draw near every year, I promise myself that I will slow down and really enjoy the season. However, that never seems to happen. The holidays are supposed to be about love, kindness, patience, good cheer and giving. A very Christ-like sentiment.

But it seems that it is totally the opposite for most of us. There's impatience waiting in long lines at the registers, no love for those around us vying for the same sweater we want, no kindness for the person in line ahead of us with 50 items in the "20 items only" lane, so much giving that our finances are stretched out to the max, and forget any good cheer. Why do we do this to ourselves every year?

During a time in which we should be celebrating the greatest gift ever given to mankind, we are so pushed to our limits that we can't slow down long enough to even acknowledge Christ. Shop, shop, shop! Plan, plan, plan! Cook, cook, cook! Off to Grandma's and Grandpa's! Then to Aunt Shirley's! Run quickly to Cousin Bob's! Mush! Mush! Faster and faster! We over extend ourselves to the point that either we are too tired to be any good for anything, or too crabby for anybody to want to be around us. We need to STOP IT! Two simple words that will make your life so much more simple and enjoyable. Here's another good one: NO. As much as we want to do everything and be with everyone, sometimes we need to say "NO" and put the brakes on our lives that seem to run out of control constantly. Maybe then we will get back to focusing on the real reason for the season.

As I looked at the songs we sing every year in church at Christmas, none of them are about shopping, eating, running from place to place. They are about the things that mattered. "Silent Night", "Away in a Manger", "Joy to the World", "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", etc... it's all about Jesus. Try to take time in the last few days of this year to say no to a few more parties, places and things, and say yes to spending more time with Jesus.

God's blessings,
Pastor Brian

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween or Not?

Hello everyone! It's that time of year. The time when the weather gets cooler, the leaves are changing, and my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, is almost here. But there's another holiday before it that creates so much controversy. Especially for Christians. And you all know it's Halloween...

Why does a time of year when you get to dress your children up and go door to door and get FREE CANDY cause such a stir in the church? Because of it's origins. If you don't know where it started and what it used to be about, here is an article that will help:

So Halloween has it's pagan roots and practices, some of which are still practiced today, others which have long since disappeared. I remember as a child dressing up as one of many different characters. One year I was Snoopy, another CP3O (because I was and still am a Star Wars geek), Batman and many others. We would go visit family members first, then go door to door worshiping the devil in several neighborhoods that we new were safe. Who didn't?

Okay, in all honesty, do you remember preparing to worship satan every Halloween, or do you remember getting excited for parties at school and getting free candy? Mine was the latter. Now my parents didn't let me dress up like anything scary, and at that time most kids didn't want to. Maybe the scariest thing you saw was a witch or a ghost costume. We used to have so much fun and got all the candy we could eat! But, as everything man touches, we perverted it and made it so much sicker now than it was so many years ago. Our children's innocence has been sold out for the higher profits that depravity brings.

Eyeballs hanging out, bloody butcher knife wielding psychopaths, disgusting looking zombies... and those aren't the worst. Look closely at the costumes for kids the next time you are at the store. I, being a children's pastor, like looking for costumes for dramas and musicals that we may do. Can you ever really have enough gray-haired wigs or beards? Angel costumes? But the playful focus that costumes had when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. What I see is the blatant sexualizing of our children. There is almost no difference between "adult" costumes and children's costumes. Why? Because we live in moral decay. Our society is getting sicker and sicker. It's not enough to see a suspenseful movie anymore. It has to be blatantly over gory and twisted. A veritable blood bath for people to be scared. Once again, a society in decay...

But should we avoid Halloween then? That is a personal choice up to each individual. I think it's one of the greatest opportunities to witness to those around us the glorious grace of God. When, outside of Halloween, do you have that many unsaved people come to your door? Matt McKey said it best in his blog: "You can leverage it to build relationships for the future or you can boycott it and lose the opportunity." You can read the rest of his blog here:

Parents, I would encourage you return to the days of when dressing up your child as a princess, fireman, super hero or teacher was cool. Or maybe even their favorite Bible character? Back to a time when for one night we got to pretend to be someone else and get free candy. Lose the gore and depravity. Let's restore the innocence to our kids that society as a whole has taken away. And if you are staying home and passing out candy, leverage that opportunity by giving the best candy you can. God always gives us His best. Become that house that every child wants to go to because they remember your generosity. That's when real witnessing can begin...

Pastor Brian

PS - Everyone knows that a "Harvest Party" is the same thing as a "Halloween Party". Just like a "gospel illusion" is the same as a "magic trick". Get over it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Season is Changing...

Hello again!
I'm sorry it's been so long again since my last blog. Too many things just pop up and take time away from other things, as you all well know. But I am working on making a change in my life and everything I do in it. Is blogging the most important thing on my "TO DO" list? No, but there is something about being able to share with others the things God is doing in your life that is very freeing and refreshing. So, while not at the top of the list, it is slowly moving up the ladder...

As I have looked outside over the last few weeks, I've noticed the days getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colors. Why? Because Fall is here. The season is changing. The seasons serve to remind me of a few things. First, what beauty God has created in this world we live in. Not everybody enjoys every season, but you have to admit that they all carry their own unique beauty.

In the Spring, everything starts growing. We see the buds on the trees and plants as they begin to come back to life. We hear the songs of animals as they start the mating season. Then comes Summer. The sunshine makes us all want to be outside. We work on many projects that need taken care of outside of our homes. Maybe we go spend the day at the beach, enjoying playing in the waves, or just listening to the crashing waves while we relax with a good book? Then Fall comes. The sun still shines, but not as long. And the coolness of the wind brings relief from the heat of the Summer. The leaves start to change color, and the air takes on this special aroma that can only be described as autumn. Like moist leaves and burning wood. Finally comes Winter. Everything goes dormant or dies as the cold and snow cover it all. And yet, there is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the morning and looking out your window at the soft, white blanket that has covered everything. There is a feeling of purity the first time the snow falls on everything. And the joy you feel when outside playing in it overcomes the feeling of bitter cold that is caressing your cheeks.

But God is also reminding us through His handiwork, that we all go through seasons in our life. We have our Fall season, where things in our lives must start to die. We have our Winters, when everything feels cold and quite. But then comes our Springs, when new growth begins to replace that which had to die in ourselves. And finally, our Summers, when we can enjoy our days in His son, Jesus. The Bible says this:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Anne Bradstreet, I believe said it best:

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."


Pastor Brian

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I want it NOW, Lord!!!

Hello again everybody,

It's funny how I thought that after Summer, my days would be less full and I would get SOOOO much more accomplished and really get back into blogging regularly. HA!HA!HA! For those of you not in ministry, there is no such thing as slow days. Ministry is always happening.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm really not complaining. When you are called into ministry, you sign on for the long haul. The late night phone calls, hospital visits, replacing sick Sunday School teachers at the last minute, etc... It will certainly test your patience. And take time away from everything you may have planned for your day. I've recently tried to spend time looking for new curriculum for Kid's Church, and it just seems that I can't get it done. I found a few that I liked, but I just can't seem to go ahead and order any. I spend time daily praying that God shows me what He would have me teach the kids, but I've heard nothing yet. Today I decided to cry out,"Lord, give me an answer right now! I've got to get this done!"

Bold move, right? And you know what happened??? Nothing. No ideas, no release to order something online, not a single clue. How long can I spend struggling on this one thing? I have other obligations to get to. Important visits, meetings, phone calls and ministry that has to get done ASAP. The more my ministry grows, the less time I have! And then it dawned on me.

I haven't really been waiting on the Lord. I have tried to fit HIS WILL into MY SCHEDULE. And you know what? That never works. Our timeline is incredibly short in God's grand scheme of things. What God wants for His people doesn't always fit into our over-scheduled, too busy lives. Did wandering the desert for 40 years fit into the Israelites plan? No. Did they cause it by their own disobedience and lack of patience with God? Yes. So the question is: Are we being disobedient when we expect God to work in our timing? I think I am learning this lesson the hard way.

So tomorrow I plan on continuing to pray that God shows me what He wants for His children, knowing that it may take longer than I like, but He will provide daily what I need and never give me more than I can handle. And when the time is right, God will then open up my eyes and heart to His will and show me His plans, all in His perfect timing.

Psalm 33:11 But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.

Pastor Brian

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Unpopular beliefs...

Good morning everyone,

Once again it has been a while since I've had some time to post anything. But don't take this as an apology. When ministry calls, ministry calls. God's work is top priority. That being said, I have a little something I want to discuss. Okay, maybe get off of my chest is a better description.

This past week on Facebook, I posted something somewhat controversial. I decided to vent about something that our President has commented on and supported. Know what I'm talking about yet? Most of you do. I posted my feelings on the building of the mosque by Ground Zero in New York. My belief is that it is a bad idea. Sure, it will be two blocks away from there, but if you have never seen a mosque, you don't realize the size that they are. There are some smaller ones, but this doesn't appear to be the case with the proposed one. It would be very visible.

Now, not everybody agrees with me. Just like I have religious freedom to worship the way and where I choose to, so should the people who are Islamic. That I think is correct. See, I don't think that they are all terrorists. I don't think any of them are responsible for what happened there. But what I do think is that it is just in bad taste. A really bad idea. Why? It serves as a constant reminder to the people that lost someone that ill-fated day. There was a group of people, all be it a RADICAL group of these believers, that premeditated the murder of thousands of innocent people. Some say that this is how they show their superiority, by building a mosque on conquered ground. Maybe.

But that is no different than Christians over thousands of years. Any time we conquered people in history, did we not build a church there for us to worship our God? We still do that to this day. However, did we or do we convert people to our way of thinking by force? Not in this day and age. So, I choose not to believe that line of thought as to why they want to build a mosque there.

What about the idea that it is meant to be a slap in the face of America? A big "Ha, ha!" at us? Well, I don't believe that to be the case either, because once again I don't believe that they were part of the radical group who chose to do what they did on 9/11. It had already been a meeting place for them. They own the land and have probably had plans to build there someday anyway. Unfortunately, what happened that day damaged those plans.

So why don't I agree with building there? It is just in poor taste. Not to mention, we have people in our country that may look at such a place with such hatred and outrage, who knows what they might do? Do we need another tragedy or reason for violence there? No. Our President stands on the laws that govern our nation, and I can respect that. They have every right to build on their property and worship how they choose. But there have been offerings of land elsewhere in the city that would be less distracting for those who lost loved ones & friends, as well as provide less animosity in an already distraught city.

We would like to believe we can look past what has happened in the past, but as humans we have a tendency to hold onto the things that raise up our flesh the most. The best of men are men at best. We are flawed, sinful creations that only by God's grace have the freedom to be who we are in Christ Jesus. Some in others countries give their lives for that privilege. Others in our country have died to protect that privilege, for all of us, no matter what we believe. I don't know what God's will is in this, but I know it is a perfect will, and in His perfect timing, not for us to understand but to be obedient in His greatest commandment: "Love each other."

Pastor Brian

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can't We All Just Get Along...

Hey everyone,

It's been a long time since my last blog. My summer has been incredibly busy!!! Vacation Bible School, Kid's Camp, visitation... VACATION! I'm probably the only children's pastor who has taken vacation in the summer time. You learn very early that summer is prime ministry time. That makes time off not really time off. You just worry while you are away about the next thing coming up. But onto the real reason I'm here.

This last week I went to Kid's Camp 2010, but not as a counselor this year. This year, Beverly and I had the privilege of being Assistant Directors to Curt Rozean. We were very excited about this opportunity to serve not only our church kids, but the kids of the Sullivan Section.

We had 601 kids last week, and around 250 workers. And the heat was on!!! We had to keep the kids wet just to make sure none of them spontaneously burst into FLAMES! Okay, maybe not. But it was hot. And when kids get hot and tired, the worst has a tendency to come out. I came fully expecting to have some major camper issues to deal with. However, it came as a complete shock that we only really had two camper problems, but TONS of counselor issues. I understand that we were all exhausted and hot, but to be the role models, examples of Jesus to these kids, we failed miserably. So many bad attitudes, fits of anger, disrespect of one another... and WE CALL OURSELVES CHRISTIANS.

I never may have known any of this, but Curt needed to go home for a few days and tend to some personal things, so Beverly and I became fill-in directors until he came back Thursday afternoon. I nick-named Beverly "U.N." for the week, as it clearly became a peace-keeping mission. The Bible says that people will know who we are by our actions. I'm not sure they would have known any of us were Christians. But, I can tell you that with lots of prayer and understanding, we made it through and it was the best week of camp for the kids. When the heat is on, do you let even the little things get you fired up? If so, you are bound to eventually get burned. Take a deep breath, say a little prayer, and look around to see who is watching you, because you just might be surprised.

Pastor Brian

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Father's Pain For His Broken Hearted Child...

Hello again,

I find myself writing today as therapy for my own heart and soul. Let me explain... As some of you know, I have three teenagers. The two oldest are my daughters, the youngest my son. As teenagers grow up and start feeling out their independence, they also find that the opposite sex isn't quite so yucky anymore. They don't see them as cootie infested monsters. No more "Run! Run away!" Suddenly it's "Slow down so maybe someone will catch me!" And it will happen, mark my words.

Both of my daughters have found themselves in a place where they thought that maybe they found that special someone. The person that they could share their thoughts and feelings with, things once reserved only for Mom and Dad. And they have given their hearts not in haste, but in prayer and patience, not wanting to make a mistake, trying to be sure that the first one is the right one. That special person God has placed on this earth for them... and then comes disappointment and heart break. It hits like a whirlwind. An emotional tornado that ravages their very gentle and soft hearts.

As a father, you take time to listen to them, as they share what they believe is their world coming apart at the seams. There are plenty of tears, loud sobs and feelings of betrayal. How could this happen to them? What did they do wrong? "Why me?" And as a father, you can physically hear their hearts breaking inside of them. How could they do this to my daughter? Don't they know how very special she is? How very precious? The great things she brings to this world? How blind are they? You go through feelings of frustration and anger, all the while wanting to make your little girl feel better. To mend her broken heart. To hug her until everything melts away. You go through the heartache with them.

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. How much more did God feel about watching His son die on the cross for us? Jesus went to the garden to pray (Matt. 26:36-39) and asked "if this cup could be passed from me..." But he knew that he would have to go through it. Just like my little girls had to go through their first heart-breaks. They didn't want to. And here I am, as a father, watching and knowing it had to happen. How heart-broken must Jesus have been when he had to bear the sin of the world, and the Father who had to endure the pain of watching it happen the whole time, knowing His son must go through it? I think I now have an even greater idea of the sacrifice made for my heart and soul, the love of a Father who sees me go through hard times, and who shares in the pain we must all go through. And much like He is always willing to hold me in His arms and bring me comfort, so am I willing to do the same for my own children.

Serving Him,
Pastor Brian

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Can It Be...

I was just sitting here tonight thinking and this came across my mind: What are the people of my generation searching for the most? What is that one thing we want but can't find? We want to make connections. Look at all of the things we have created to help us be connected: MySpace, Facebook, instant messaging, text messaging, cell phones, video phones, Skype, etc... all in an attempt to be more connected.

And yet, it is those very same things that prevent us from making real connections. We all have hundreds of "friends" on Facebook, but how many of them do we actually see in a given week? We see updates on their lives, pictures and their every thought. But are we really connected to them? I know what a lot of my friends from high school are doing tonight, but I'm not really connected. Most families I see coming into the church today are wanting genuine connections with others. Why else would small group ministry become so popular over the last few years? It is a very real, intimate connection with other people who believe like we do. Time spent studying God's Word, praying and uplifting each other and spending time in fellowship.

There is so much depression and despair right now. People losing jobs, their homes and their retirements. Record numbers of suicides. Pills for everything that may ail you. And yet the solution is so much easier than we think. First, make a connection with the one who created you. God should be the first relationship in all of our lives. Then, maybe we should start taking more time away from our computers, cell phones and other gadgets and find a group of people that we can enjoy spending time with. I think the world might just turn out to be a better place.

Pastor Brian

Monday, May 17, 2010

Must Read Book for Pastors!

Good morning! If you should know anything about me, you should know that I strive for excellence in ministry. Probably the best book I've read is Dick Hardy's latest book, "27 Tough Questions Pastors Ask". Whether you are a Senior Pastor or a volunteer, this book will change the way that you look at ministry in your church. It covers everything from the parking lot to the pulpit. And not only does it get you asking yourself some hard questions, but he also gives you practical steps to help remedy some of the things you may need to change.

The bottom line is this: If you want your ministry to be the most effective in reaching the lost in your community, get Dick Hardy's book, "27 Tough Questions Pastors Ask". I recommend buying a copy for everyone on your staff and going through it as a team.

Pastor Brian

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

National Day of Prayer

It's that time of year again. A time when our President and politicians all look for a reason to ignore, not attend and try to remove The National Day of Prayer from our country. Never mind the fact that this country was built on the backs of persecuted people who came here to be free from religious persecution. Or maybe it would be better said that they fled to be free of religious CENSORSHIP. The issue wasn't about believing in God, just that they chose to express it in a different way than their government saw fit. And the government didn't like it. Sound familiar?

Censorship is a very delicate thing to talk about. I as a Christian must be careful what I say so as not to offend somebody. I believe if you sin you are going to hell unless you ask God for forgiveness. That is what the Bible says, right? That is what I believe in. But... if I were to say that to somebody, I would be called bigot, hateful, intolerant, etc... I'm not allowed to do that. I am censored. But if you tell me you are gay or want to have an abortion, I can't have an opinion. Why can't I call them "heterophobes" or 'baby killers"? I am censored. And because my God tells me it is wrong to be that way. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The government gets to legislate morality in our country. They believe that they have the right to tell us what we can and should believe in. If any other groups of people get to believe what they want to, why can't I? Oh yeah, that's right. There is that old pesky "separation of church and state" thing. You can't pray in school or have Bible Clubs there, because it is a government institution. Forget that your tax dollars are paying for it all. You can't have an opinion. OH WAIT!!! The separation of church and state isn't about not allowing God in government institutions, BUT KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT FROM SETTING A PARTICULAR RELIGION AS THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED IN THIS COUNTRY. That's why people left England and came here in the first place, right?

I believe that religious censorship is the best way to keep anybody from questioning somebodies twisting of the Constitution to make it say what they want it to say. To stand for what they believe, not what the founding fathers of our nation believed. Shame on us for allowing our government to be by the special interests, for the special interests.

Maybe that is why our country seems so weak anymore. We are too afraid to stand on our convictions because we don't want to upset anybody. Guess what? In order to make an omelet, you've gotta break some eggs. No other country will see us as a voice of reason in all of the chaos if we can't take care of our business at home. The odds were against our forefathers, but because of their convictions about what they believed, we broke free of British rule and became independent.

Okay, I'm getting down off of my soap box now. It's National Day of Prayer, and I will be spending it praying for all of you. Those I know, and those I don't. Those who think like me, and those who don't. From the cashier at the grocery store, to the President of the United States. Why? Because I should be free to do so.

Serving Him,
Pastor Brian

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Birthdays come and go...

Hello again!

It's been a while since I posted anything new, so here I am during another sleepless night catching up on some things... Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 38 years old. Not young, but not old by any means. But as I spent time with my family, I looked at where I was so many years ago, and what God has blessed me with up until now.

I never would have thought that I would have already spent almost 19 years married to the most special woman in my life. My very best friend and confidante. I never expected to love anyone so deeply. God is first in my life, but after that, my wife can't be beat. She is truly my greatest conquest. I won her heart, and she let's me know, even when I'm a knucklehead, that her heart will always be mine.

I have three talented and amazing children. My oldest is 17 and in a relationship with a young man who is incredibly intelligent and hard working. I really like him, and he makes my daughter happy. It's difficult for me to let my little girl go, to see her trusting in another person the way she used to only trust in me. At her age, her mother and I were contemplating marriage! She carries herself with such grace and confidence, yet still is naive in so many ways. But I have given her life to God, and I see His hand upon her life as each year passes.

My middle child, now she worries me. LOL! She is a go getter. A wild child. Her fashion sense is best described as her very own. She doesn't let the latest fads dictate what she wears. She is the trend setter! She drives with reckless abandon, but not in the bad sense. She is feeling out her freedom and maturity. Her ability to sing and worship God at only 16 gives me the chills. I watch and listen to her lead our youth group in praise and worship, not allowing her to see me so as not to embarrass her. She has such wisdom sometimes, yet still can be daddy's little girl the next moment. Her life I have also given to God, and can only imagine the things he has in store for her, as I look back at each year and see where she's been.

And last, but surely not least, is my son. A true modern miracle, a life saved only by the grace and healing touch of God. He isn't supposed to be with us today. Born with a defective heart, and not given much hope to live past 2 years old, today he is 14 and quickly becoming a man. He was given a new heart by God. Not in the transplant way, but in the miraculous, inexplainable by the doctors way. If you don't believe in God's healing power, see me sometime.

Not too many people get to know him the way I do. He is always just a little shy, but recently is coming out of his shell. He is my right-hand man in children's ministry. He gets up extra early Sunday mornings so he can go with me and get things set up for the day. From slide shows to sound checks, to setting up the stage or putting out chairs, he does so quietly and willingly. I couldn't do what I do each week without him. I hope someday you will all get to know him like I do. And like his sisters, I have given him over to God, praying that someday he meets a girl like his mother, that will sweep him off of his feet, and love and take care of him.

So it's not that I'm not grateful for the birthday cards and well wishes, the cakes and the special birthday dinners, but I believe after looking back on my life at 38 I couldn't have been given anything better than the life God has given me. It hasn't always been an easy or pleasant one, but it has never lacked for adventure and excitement either. The things of life aren't what's important. It's the journey.

Pastor Brian

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just a little something...

Hey everybody,

This is a link to a blog that someone sent to me. It's about how important pastors are. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, but remind myself of what all of the pastors I have served under have gone through to be who they are today. Enjoy!

Serving Him,
Pastor Brian

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Do you remember High School and all of the drama? She said this, he did that, they hate them. I lived through it all. I left high school, and all of that stuff behind me. Or so I thought. I now have three teenagers, two girls and one son. And what happens when kids become teenagers? DRAMA! I have decided that boys are stupid, girls are mean and heartbreak will take a lifetime to heal.

Times have changed, and so have human beings. For a society who is so technologically advanced to be so emotionally insensitive shouldn't be surprising, and yet it is to me. We have been given the tools to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world in seconds, but we use it to cyber-bully and tear each other down in front of the world. How many of you have seen someone on a social web site put under religion "Christian", but as you look at their page they are saying and doing things that are neither gratifying to God nor loving of our neighbors?

WHY? We have made it so easy to be impersonal and disconnected from the world around us. My kids text their friends all day long. They IM on social web sites. They send pictures to each other from their phones. But how much time do they spend face-to-face with REAL HUMANS? As far as I can tell, my kids would never have to leave their rooms to have a social life of sorts. But that is what makes it too easy to hurt each other. We are all guilty of being able to say things so easily behind someones back. But when it comes to having to tell it to them to their face, their is something inside of us that finds it hard. We stumble over our words, we get nervous and fidget, and can't seem to look them in the eye.

DRAMA IS A SIN CONDITION MADE EASIER BECAUSE OF A LACK OF HUMAN CONNECTEDNESS. We are all braver behind the walls in our houses. And you don't have to see the brokenness and tears on the face of those we tear down. They live a life of quiet despair, leading to the many recent cases of suicide from cyber-bullying. When are we ever going to learn? The Bible says this:

Galatians 5:13
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve
one another in love.

When will we ever learn? Will it be too late?


Monday, March 22, 2010

How do you feel about that?

Have you ever been at a place in your life or ministry where you had an issue that needed to be fixed? I was at that place recently. I, like many men, shared my thoughts and concerns with my wife. I even told her how we could fix the issue. But, my wife looked at me and said, " You just can't do that. You have to take their feelings into account." This set me off like a rocket ship. We needed to fix this problem ASAP! This is how it needs to be fixed and they will just have to get over it!! It's the right thing to do!!!

Why does doing the right thing have to depend on everyones FEELINGS? Isn't the right thing just the right thing? If God asks me to do something and I don't FEEL it is the right thing, do I have to do it? Ask Jonah. Is a sin a sin if I don't FEEL convicted of it? YES. Am I saying that we should tear someone apart? NO. Are feelings wrong? NO. But should we live our lives by them? NO. So why do we let our feelings control our lives?

The Bible says this:

15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Eph 4:15,16

It's speaking the truth in love. And that means not hurting anyone, just saying that it is what it is and moving on/making changes. Unless we are just being destructive, most people will understand we are only making the body of Christ stronger and better. They may not agree with you, but that's okay too.

Well, that's my two cents worth. Many blessings to you and yours!

Pastor Brian

Friday, February 26, 2010

What a week...

Hey everyone,
I don't know if it is just me, but has your week been busy? The world we live in is a fast paced, over-achieving, immediate gratification, find you anywhere society where we must run until we can't run anymore. Then, go to sleep, and get up and do it all over again.

With so many things to do, I tend to forget that I'm just a human "being", not a human "doing". If I allow the world to dictate my schedule, then most assuredly I will forget to spend time with God. Even attempts to set a specific time to read the Word and pray get interrupted by meetings, phone calls and unexpected errands.

But... aren't those really just excuses? We always clear our schedule to watch our favorite TV shows, sports, shopping, etc... the things we really want to do. Those things we enjoy doing. When did we stop enjoying God's Word? Prayer? Are we so self-centered these days that we forget who it was that has granted us the very breath in our lungs?

Psalm 63:1-5

1 O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in your sanctuary
and gazed upon your power and glory.
3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
I will praise you with songs of joy.

Make this your prayer for the next week and see what the Lord does in your life. Amen.

Serving Him,
Pastor Brian

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Okay everybody,

Here it is. My new blog. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, so bear with me. I am hoping to use this to share about what the Lord is speaking to my heart. I'm no great writer, but I will do my best to keep you all interested.

In our staff study time, we have been reading a book by Mark Rutland entitled, "Character Matters: Nine Essential Traits You Need to Succeed". I highly recommend it. It isn't just your typical book about ministry, but applicable to everyone and everything that we do. Most times, it is eye opening to some of the things that I do that I'm unaware of. We've discussed what real courage is, what loyalty really looks like, diligence in all that we do, modesty in our appearances, frugality and what it means, honesty and meekness (power under control). We are looking at reverence this week and true gratitude next week.

Hopefully God is shaping you everyday into a person of great character. Someone who people look at and trust and believe that you are who you say you are, even when they can only hear your actions. Paul told the church in Corinth, "Bad company corrupts good character." 1 Cor. 15:33 Which one are you? The bad company? Or the one with good character?
