Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Can It Be...

I was just sitting here tonight thinking and this came across my mind: What are the people of my generation searching for the most? What is that one thing we want but can't find? We want to make connections. Look at all of the things we have created to help us be connected: MySpace, Facebook, instant messaging, text messaging, cell phones, video phones, Skype, etc... all in an attempt to be more connected.

And yet, it is those very same things that prevent us from making real connections. We all have hundreds of "friends" on Facebook, but how many of them do we actually see in a given week? We see updates on their lives, pictures and their every thought. But are we really connected to them? I know what a lot of my friends from high school are doing tonight, but I'm not really connected. Most families I see coming into the church today are wanting genuine connections with others. Why else would small group ministry become so popular over the last few years? It is a very real, intimate connection with other people who believe like we do. Time spent studying God's Word, praying and uplifting each other and spending time in fellowship.

There is so much depression and despair right now. People losing jobs, their homes and their retirements. Record numbers of suicides. Pills for everything that may ail you. And yet the solution is so much easier than we think. First, make a connection with the one who created you. God should be the first relationship in all of our lives. Then, maybe we should start taking more time away from our computers, cell phones and other gadgets and find a group of people that we can enjoy spending time with. I think the world might just turn out to be a better place.

Pastor Brian

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