Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can't We All Just Get Along...

Hey everyone,

It's been a long time since my last blog. My summer has been incredibly busy!!! Vacation Bible School, Kid's Camp, visitation... VACATION! I'm probably the only children's pastor who has taken vacation in the summer time. You learn very early that summer is prime ministry time. That makes time off not really time off. You just worry while you are away about the next thing coming up. But onto the real reason I'm here.

This last week I went to Kid's Camp 2010, but not as a counselor this year. This year, Beverly and I had the privilege of being Assistant Directors to Curt Rozean. We were very excited about this opportunity to serve not only our church kids, but the kids of the Sullivan Section.

We had 601 kids last week, and around 250 workers. And the heat was on!!! We had to keep the kids wet just to make sure none of them spontaneously burst into FLAMES! Okay, maybe not. But it was hot. And when kids get hot and tired, the worst has a tendency to come out. I came fully expecting to have some major camper issues to deal with. However, it came as a complete shock that we only really had two camper problems, but TONS of counselor issues. I understand that we were all exhausted and hot, but to be the role models, examples of Jesus to these kids, we failed miserably. So many bad attitudes, fits of anger, disrespect of one another... and WE CALL OURSELVES CHRISTIANS.

I never may have known any of this, but Curt needed to go home for a few days and tend to some personal things, so Beverly and I became fill-in directors until he came back Thursday afternoon. I nick-named Beverly "U.N." for the week, as it clearly became a peace-keeping mission. The Bible says that people will know who we are by our actions. I'm not sure they would have known any of us were Christians. But, I can tell you that with lots of prayer and understanding, we made it through and it was the best week of camp for the kids. When the heat is on, do you let even the little things get you fired up? If so, you are bound to eventually get burned. Take a deep breath, say a little prayer, and look around to see who is watching you, because you just might be surprised.

Pastor Brian

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