Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I want it NOW, Lord!!!

Hello again everybody,

It's funny how I thought that after Summer, my days would be less full and I would get SOOOO much more accomplished and really get back into blogging regularly. HA!HA!HA! For those of you not in ministry, there is no such thing as slow days. Ministry is always happening.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm really not complaining. When you are called into ministry, you sign on for the long haul. The late night phone calls, hospital visits, replacing sick Sunday School teachers at the last minute, etc... It will certainly test your patience. And take time away from everything you may have planned for your day. I've recently tried to spend time looking for new curriculum for Kid's Church, and it just seems that I can't get it done. I found a few that I liked, but I just can't seem to go ahead and order any. I spend time daily praying that God shows me what He would have me teach the kids, but I've heard nothing yet. Today I decided to cry out,"Lord, give me an answer right now! I've got to get this done!"

Bold move, right? And you know what happened??? Nothing. No ideas, no release to order something online, not a single clue. How long can I spend struggling on this one thing? I have other obligations to get to. Important visits, meetings, phone calls and ministry that has to get done ASAP. The more my ministry grows, the less time I have! And then it dawned on me.

I haven't really been waiting on the Lord. I have tried to fit HIS WILL into MY SCHEDULE. And you know what? That never works. Our timeline is incredibly short in God's grand scheme of things. What God wants for His people doesn't always fit into our over-scheduled, too busy lives. Did wandering the desert for 40 years fit into the Israelites plan? No. Did they cause it by their own disobedience and lack of patience with God? Yes. So the question is: Are we being disobedient when we expect God to work in our timing? I think I am learning this lesson the hard way.

So tomorrow I plan on continuing to pray that God shows me what He wants for His children, knowing that it may take longer than I like, but He will provide daily what I need and never give me more than I can handle. And when the time is right, God will then open up my eyes and heart to His will and show me His plans, all in His perfect timing.

Psalm 33:11 But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.

Pastor Brian

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