Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween or Not?

Hello everyone! It's that time of year. The time when the weather gets cooler, the leaves are changing, and my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, is almost here. But there's another holiday before it that creates so much controversy. Especially for Christians. And you all know it's Halloween...

Why does a time of year when you get to dress your children up and go door to door and get FREE CANDY cause such a stir in the church? Because of it's origins. If you don't know where it started and what it used to be about, here is an article that will help:

So Halloween has it's pagan roots and practices, some of which are still practiced today, others which have long since disappeared. I remember as a child dressing up as one of many different characters. One year I was Snoopy, another CP3O (because I was and still am a Star Wars geek), Batman and many others. We would go visit family members first, then go door to door worshiping the devil in several neighborhoods that we new were safe. Who didn't?

Okay, in all honesty, do you remember preparing to worship satan every Halloween, or do you remember getting excited for parties at school and getting free candy? Mine was the latter. Now my parents didn't let me dress up like anything scary, and at that time most kids didn't want to. Maybe the scariest thing you saw was a witch or a ghost costume. We used to have so much fun and got all the candy we could eat! But, as everything man touches, we perverted it and made it so much sicker now than it was so many years ago. Our children's innocence has been sold out for the higher profits that depravity brings.

Eyeballs hanging out, bloody butcher knife wielding psychopaths, disgusting looking zombies... and those aren't the worst. Look closely at the costumes for kids the next time you are at the store. I, being a children's pastor, like looking for costumes for dramas and musicals that we may do. Can you ever really have enough gray-haired wigs or beards? Angel costumes? But the playful focus that costumes had when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. What I see is the blatant sexualizing of our children. There is almost no difference between "adult" costumes and children's costumes. Why? Because we live in moral decay. Our society is getting sicker and sicker. It's not enough to see a suspenseful movie anymore. It has to be blatantly over gory and twisted. A veritable blood bath for people to be scared. Once again, a society in decay...

But should we avoid Halloween then? That is a personal choice up to each individual. I think it's one of the greatest opportunities to witness to those around us the glorious grace of God. When, outside of Halloween, do you have that many unsaved people come to your door? Matt McKey said it best in his blog: "You can leverage it to build relationships for the future or you can boycott it and lose the opportunity." You can read the rest of his blog here:

Parents, I would encourage you return to the days of when dressing up your child as a princess, fireman, super hero or teacher was cool. Or maybe even their favorite Bible character? Back to a time when for one night we got to pretend to be someone else and get free candy. Lose the gore and depravity. Let's restore the innocence to our kids that society as a whole has taken away. And if you are staying home and passing out candy, leverage that opportunity by giving the best candy you can. God always gives us His best. Become that house that every child wants to go to because they remember your generosity. That's when real witnessing can begin...

Pastor Brian

PS - Everyone knows that a "Harvest Party" is the same thing as a "Halloween Party". Just like a "gospel illusion" is the same as a "magic trick". Get over it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Season is Changing...

Hello again!
I'm sorry it's been so long again since my last blog. Too many things just pop up and take time away from other things, as you all well know. But I am working on making a change in my life and everything I do in it. Is blogging the most important thing on my "TO DO" list? No, but there is something about being able to share with others the things God is doing in your life that is very freeing and refreshing. So, while not at the top of the list, it is slowly moving up the ladder...

As I have looked outside over the last few weeks, I've noticed the days getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colors. Why? Because Fall is here. The season is changing. The seasons serve to remind me of a few things. First, what beauty God has created in this world we live in. Not everybody enjoys every season, but you have to admit that they all carry their own unique beauty.

In the Spring, everything starts growing. We see the buds on the trees and plants as they begin to come back to life. We hear the songs of animals as they start the mating season. Then comes Summer. The sunshine makes us all want to be outside. We work on many projects that need taken care of outside of our homes. Maybe we go spend the day at the beach, enjoying playing in the waves, or just listening to the crashing waves while we relax with a good book? Then Fall comes. The sun still shines, but not as long. And the coolness of the wind brings relief from the heat of the Summer. The leaves start to change color, and the air takes on this special aroma that can only be described as autumn. Like moist leaves and burning wood. Finally comes Winter. Everything goes dormant or dies as the cold and snow cover it all. And yet, there is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the morning and looking out your window at the soft, white blanket that has covered everything. There is a feeling of purity the first time the snow falls on everything. And the joy you feel when outside playing in it overcomes the feeling of bitter cold that is caressing your cheeks.

But God is also reminding us through His handiwork, that we all go through seasons in our life. We have our Fall season, where things in our lives must start to die. We have our Winters, when everything feels cold and quite. But then comes our Springs, when new growth begins to replace that which had to die in ourselves. And finally, our Summers, when we can enjoy our days in His son, Jesus. The Bible says this:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Anne Bradstreet, I believe said it best:

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."


Pastor Brian