Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Unpopular beliefs...

Good morning everyone,

Once again it has been a while since I've had some time to post anything. But don't take this as an apology. When ministry calls, ministry calls. God's work is top priority. That being said, I have a little something I want to discuss. Okay, maybe get off of my chest is a better description.

This past week on Facebook, I posted something somewhat controversial. I decided to vent about something that our President has commented on and supported. Know what I'm talking about yet? Most of you do. I posted my feelings on the building of the mosque by Ground Zero in New York. My belief is that it is a bad idea. Sure, it will be two blocks away from there, but if you have never seen a mosque, you don't realize the size that they are. There are some smaller ones, but this doesn't appear to be the case with the proposed one. It would be very visible.

Now, not everybody agrees with me. Just like I have religious freedom to worship the way and where I choose to, so should the people who are Islamic. That I think is correct. See, I don't think that they are all terrorists. I don't think any of them are responsible for what happened there. But what I do think is that it is just in bad taste. A really bad idea. Why? It serves as a constant reminder to the people that lost someone that ill-fated day. There was a group of people, all be it a RADICAL group of these believers, that premeditated the murder of thousands of innocent people. Some say that this is how they show their superiority, by building a mosque on conquered ground. Maybe.

But that is no different than Christians over thousands of years. Any time we conquered people in history, did we not build a church there for us to worship our God? We still do that to this day. However, did we or do we convert people to our way of thinking by force? Not in this day and age. So, I choose not to believe that line of thought as to why they want to build a mosque there.

What about the idea that it is meant to be a slap in the face of America? A big "Ha, ha!" at us? Well, I don't believe that to be the case either, because once again I don't believe that they were part of the radical group who chose to do what they did on 9/11. It had already been a meeting place for them. They own the land and have probably had plans to build there someday anyway. Unfortunately, what happened that day damaged those plans.

So why don't I agree with building there? It is just in poor taste. Not to mention, we have people in our country that may look at such a place with such hatred and outrage, who knows what they might do? Do we need another tragedy or reason for violence there? No. Our President stands on the laws that govern our nation, and I can respect that. They have every right to build on their property and worship how they choose. But there have been offerings of land elsewhere in the city that would be less distracting for those who lost loved ones & friends, as well as provide less animosity in an already distraught city.

We would like to believe we can look past what has happened in the past, but as humans we have a tendency to hold onto the things that raise up our flesh the most. The best of men are men at best. We are flawed, sinful creations that only by God's grace have the freedom to be who we are in Christ Jesus. Some in others countries give their lives for that privilege. Others in our country have died to protect that privilege, for all of us, no matter what we believe. I don't know what God's will is in this, but I know it is a perfect will, and in His perfect timing, not for us to understand but to be obedient in His greatest commandment: "Love each other."

Pastor Brian